Family Services
Grade 6 Family Service – November 12
Join us on November 12 as our extraordinary Grade 6 Class will lead us in worship during Kabbalat Shabbat Service. Service will begin at 7:30 PM (Please note the time). This is very meaningful service because our students will be reading a verse from the Torah, some of them for the very first time.
Everyone is most welcome to join us for this wonderful service.
…And something special from the Family Affair Committee
The TBM Family Affair Committee will be hosting the Oneg following the 6th. Grade Shabbat at 7:30 p.m. on Friday, November 12; and we invite our members and guests to familiarize themselves with this “hamishe” committee. It’s what makes our Beth Miriam Family unique in the ways we care about each other: providing flowers, phone calls, and meals to those who are ill and to families of the hospitalized, supportive phone calls, pizza for supper for those third grader families celebrating their first Hebrew School Classes, taxi rides to and from services to those who require it, breakfasts for the Rabbi’s teen classes, mailings to college students, and Blesssing Baskets for members dealing with long term issues. If you become interested in just one of these activities and volunteer for that one opportunity, you shall become a true member-with-feeling of our TBM Family. We look forward to seeing you Friday, November 12.