NFTY Leadership Assembly

The Union for Reform Judaism’s Biennial is where Reform Jews gather to learn, pray, share ideas, dance and sing, hear from inspiring guest speakers, reunite with old friends, make new connections, and make decisions about the policies of the Reform Movement. Your teens who attend the NFTY Leaders’ Assembly will experience the tremendous sense of community, the fellowship and the “magic” that happens when 4,500 Reform Jews gather in one place. They will come home energized with new skills and a strengthened Jewish identity to share with your family, congregation and community.


  • The NFTY Leaders Assembly begins on Thursday, December 15, 2011 and ends on Sunday, December 18, 2011.
  • The registration fee is $795.00 USD until November 1, 2011. Registration continues after November 1 at a rate of $845.00 USD on a space-available basis.
  • Registration includes full program, room, board and all Biennial expenses with the exception of lunch on Thursday and Sunday afternoons, when teens will be traveling. Teens DO NOT need to book a hotel room.


  • NFTY Leaders Assembly is designed for high school teens in grades 9 to 12 who are active in Jewish life or NFTY. The program will focus on developing teen leadership skills and nurturing the young leadership of the Reform Movement.
  • Teens will participate in some learning sessions, plenaries and forums of the larger Biennial while also participating in exclusive NFTY-only programming, including Saturday afternoon activities in Washington, DC.
  • NFTY will be part of the Shabbat worship experience and will eat dinner on Friday night with the adult delegates.
  • Teen delegates will participate in a program of the Education Summit that is being led in conjunction with the Religious Action Center.


  • A reminder to please refer to our TYG scholarship page for procedures for how your teens register for NFTY Convention with a scholarship for your congregation.


  • NFTY is pleased to offer partial scholarships for the NFTY Leaders Assembly. Preference will be given to teens who are receiving financial support from their congregation.
  • Application materials are available online and must be returned to by October 12, 2011.

Finally, we want to remind you about your own opportunity to join us in Washington, DC for the URJ Biennial. Be sure to visit for more information or to register!

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