The Spirituality of Camp Harlam
by Adam Kawut
For the third summer I spent 4 weeks at Camp Harlam. Between friends becoming family and all the activities that camp provides it is one of the best parts of summer that I have. As an 11 year old boy, I never would have thought that I would look forward to Friday night and Saturday morning services, but the services at camp are so spiritual. When our bunk got to lead services I had the chance to stand up in front of hundreds of campers and staff and talk about the meaning of Shabbat with friends. Friday afternoons are a chance for us to relax and play gaga (Israeli dodgeball), before showering and changing into our Shabbat whites. Each unit has its campers hold hands and walk to the Chapel on the Hill for services.
One of my favorite activities at camp is a bunk activity that brings us to the giant swing, which is located next to the outdoor wall. On the swing you are pulled up by your bunk to 50 feet and then let go to swing back and forth. Another activity that I enjoy is the tower. The tower is a log climbing tower that you get to climb 50 feet to the top and look out and see all of camp and the mountains beyond. I enjoy camp very much and hope that I have the chance to go back next summer and get to introduce my little sister to Camp Harlam.