Skylar Bergman Ward Dvar Torah

Shabbat Shalom. Welcome everyone to this very special occasion as I celebrate my Bat Mitzvah. First and foremost, I would like to thank you all so much for coming. I am so grateful that you came here today to support me. This process has been a journey that took a lot of hard work from…

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Birthright to Israel – Jacob Swartz

Delivered March 1, 2024: In the past four months, it’s been tough feeling secure and supported as a Jewish person. Our social media feeds have been flooded with hate and negativity toward our heritage, Israel, and our fellowJews worldwide. I started to wonder if there was a way to make a positive difference as a…

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New Interfaith Group at Beth Miriam

We are very excited to be starting an Interfaith Group at Temple Beth Miriam. This group will be made up of members of Interfaith families here at Temple Beth Miriam, families who are unaffiliated and interested families who belong to other synagogues are also welcome. We are looking for people from families who will be open and…

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Rabbi Stanways trip to Poland

As you know, Rabbi Stanway went to Poland to help with the Ukrainian refugee situation and to bear witness to a terrible human tragedy. Below are the two articles from the Asbury Park Press; one before the trip and one after. Many have asked if they can still make a donation and the answer is…

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God Verses god (Misspelling Intentional!)

While Standing (Six Feet Apart) on One Foot June 4, 2020 When the President walked to the Episcopal Church through a phalanx of armed guards to hold up a Bible for what was a photo op immediately after his announcement to send in the troops, I fully understood in my own frame of reference what…

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Italian American Festival

TBM to be at the Italian-American Festival For the first time ever, Beth Miriam is going to have a presence at the Italian-American Festival celebrating our temple with and in the community from the evenings of August 9 -13th.  We will have a tent putting forward the face of Beth Miriam and we will be…

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Oy Vey – A Total Eclipse of the Sun

As you may know, I live in two worlds at the same time.  I am dedicated to the service of the Jewish people and to the religious teachings and wisdom of the rabbis.  At the same time, my other foot is in the world of science.  And, it is in that world that I want…

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Customs and Minhagim

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