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There is a wide variety of Adult Education opportunities. Talmud study, Theology study, engaging guest speakers and presentations throughout the year offer challenging and inspiring learning.

Music fills our sacred spaces. Whether in Shabbat worship or religious school, we invite traditional and contemporary music to fill our hearts and souls. Guitars and piano are found at almost every service but there could also be other instruments that fill our holy spaces with sound.

The Eisenberg-Beirman Religious School is a place of joy and learning. Its teachers and administration are professional, engaged and committed Jews. There are learning opportunities all the way through 12th Grade.

Worship is beautiful at Beth Miriam. The services are soulful, inspiring, and meaningful. Everyone is most welcome to join us for Shabbat and holy day worship.

There are opportunities for teens to continue to engage with the temple well after bar/bat mitzvah. There are youth group activities, madrichim (student teacher) training, Teen Academy study with the Rabbi and other activities that keep teens engaged and furthers their education.