Summer Sisterhood Events
Our August 9th Event will be a two part evening: We will meet at the Trapdoor Escape Room in Red Bank at 6:15 pm, for a fun group puzzle that we’ll have to solve to save the world!! Then we will go celebrate our victory (or drown our sorrows) at Gaetano’s Italian Restaurant with Appetizers and Wine. This event is only $20 for the entire evening! The RSVP date is 8/1, however, we are limited to the first 12 members who RSVP and drop/mail their check – Temple Beth Miriam, 180 Lincoln Ave, Elberon, NJ 07740. So don’t wait!
This event is for Sisterhood members only, but if you have not paid your dues yet, Fear Not! You can pay at either event, or beforehand in the Temple Office. You can RSVP to SISTERHOOD@BETHMIRIAM.ORG or call Debbie Gerbman at 732-616-9711.