
No Choice

By TBM / April 14, 2020 /

No Choice While Standing (Six Feet Apart) On One Foot April 14, 2020 I am at the point in this pandemic that I need a haircut. SaraAnn wants to experiment dyeing my hair. I don’t think I will go that route. Stella is adamantly against it. I lost that vote, for sure. But the truth…

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Keep Silent, Simply

By TBM / April 13, 2020 /

While Standing (Six Feet Apart) on One Leg April 13, 2020   Thousands of Americans are dying each day from COVID-19.   No matter how upbeat any politician is, things aren’t getting better anytime soon.   We are stunned into silence and each of us is going to pick up the pieces in our own…

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Fertile Ground

By TBM / April 11, 2020 /

While Standing (Six Feet Apart) on One Foot Shabbat Pesach April 11, 2020   There is not a lot of good to find in the middle of a pandemic. 20,000 dead, 500,000 ill represents a shared grief on a national scale that will be remembered as pivotal moments in most our lives. The devastation around…

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The Perfect Seder

By TBM / April 10, 2020 /

While Standing (Six Feet Apart) on One Foot Pesach Day One April 9, 2020 In Greek philosophy, Plato describes a strange concept that grows more appealing to me every day. It is called the ‘world of forms.’ Bear with me. You are probably sitting on a chair. It is easily identified as a chair. And…

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Feeling Pesach

By TBM / April 8, 2020 /

While Standing (Six Feet Apart) on One Foot Erev Pesach – April 8, 2020   Why is this night different than any other night?   When we ask that simple question, the answer this year can be either, ‘Where do I begin?’ or ‘Oy! Where have you been?!’ No one, and I mean no one,…

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Cruel Irrelevancy

By TBM / April 3, 2020 /

While Standing (Six Feet Apart) on One Food Erev Shabbat, April 3, 2020   The Israeli Chief Rabbinate just issued a halachic ruling about Zooming on Pesach.  It can be distilled to one word: forbidden.   But, of course.   Their logic, though, is fundamentally correct.  Since no lives are endangered if you don’t Zoom…

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At Gehinnom’s Table

By TBM / April 2, 2020 /

While Standing (Six Feet Apart) on One Foot April 2, 2020 I am frustrated and angry. There is a well-known Hassidic tale that goes like this: ‘What will it be like in the world to come? It is said that evildoers would be punished by not being able to bend their arms. The chasid queried…

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Unholy Sacrifice

By TBM / March 15, 2019 /

When I woke up this morning, I was hit by the news of the massacre in Christchurch, New Zealand and was revolted.  Forty-nine people dead so far, scores more injured and it would be of little surprise if more died from their injuries.  And, from all accounts, it appears that the one suspect we know…

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Musical Notes

By rabbicy / February 26, 2010 /

Music has always been an important part of Jewish worship.  Over the past several thousand years, Jews have used instruments to add dimension to worship.  At Beth Miriam, we do the same and we are very proud of all our musical moments.  In regular Shabbat services, holiday services and special events, you are bound to…

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B’nai Mitzvah Calendar

By rabbicy / February 26, 2010 /

5/20/2017 Green 6/3/2017 Katz 6/24/2017 Bosniak 9/9/2017 Miller 12/2/2017 Delcuore 12/16/2017 Gill  

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